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Archive of Board Minutes.
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Board Meeting Dates:
Monthly meetings are the 2nd Monday of
the Month at 7:00 pm at the Township Hall
located at 175 Lake George Ave., Lake George, Michigan.
Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should
contact the Lincoln Township Board by writing, emailing or calling the
following: Carol Majewski, Clerk 989-588-9841 ext 02,, PO Box 239,
Lake George, MI 48633. Please give as much notice as possible so proper
arrangements can be made.
Special meetings are posted no less than 18 hours in advance on the front door
of the township hall.
For questions about accessibility or to request accommodations please contact
Carol Majewski at 989-9841 ext 02 or email – or my mail, PO Box
239, Lake George, MI 48633. Two weeks’ advance notice will allow us to provide
seamless access.
Current Board Minutes
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The approval of these Minutes will be voted on at
the next meeting.
Click to go to the
Archive of Board Minutes 2005 - 2013